Want to host an event with Triangirls?
We’re always on the look out for companies that are interested in hosting one of our events.
Our events are really something special - we provide a space for minorities in tech to get together, learn from one another and take time out from a male dominated environment. They’re known for being a little more upscale than your classic tech event and for bringing a little magic ✨
Why host an event?
- It’s a great way to support minorities in tech - you’ll be a huge part in giving us a space to meet with and learn from one another
- It’ll give your female & non binary employees an opportunity to speak at an event in front of a supportive audience (and we’re happy to help coach your speakers!)
- It’ll help connect you with our incredible community and help you reach a more diverse pool of candidates
What’s involved?
If you’d like to host an event, you’d need to:
- Provide an event space for between 50-100 people and help us set up the tech to present any slides and make sure the audience can hear speakers
- Provide food and drinks for attendees and cater for dietary requirements - please note do we try to avoid the classic beer & pizza! Previous sponsors have provided a cocktail bar, wine, noodle boxes - feel free to use this as inspo or come up with your own take!
- You’d be able to kick off the event with a short talk about your company and put forward one of your team for a talk if you’d like.
- You’ll help us pick an event topic - we try to pick ones that are useful for our community over explicit work talk (think “here’s how I overcame burnout” rather than “how we redesigned our app”) - we can brainstorm ideas with you.
How do we make this happen?
Get in touch below!